Search engines will always favor some basic elements. By taking advantage of that understanding, you can have consistent growth over the years without having to understand all of the super-technical aspects of SEO.

  1. Visitors don’t like a slow website, so neither does Google. Make sure your website loads quickly. Use Google’s PageSpeed insights or GTmetrix to discover what may be slowing your website down and how to fix it.
  2. More searches take place on a mobile device than desktops now. And there’s no coming back from that, so make sure your website is mobile friendly. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly test to see how you can improve your website to work more dynamically across different devices.
  3. Google can only rank a website based on what it can read within it. So get to work on a content marketing strategy. Create a content calendar and map out topics several weeks or months in advance. That way you can hit the ground running and crank out a lot of content in each sitting in stead of trying to knock off one topic here and there.
  4. Now that you have great content, repurpose it. Take that well-researched blog post and use the text to narrate a video or make an infographic. Embed that media into the existing blog post to make that page of content more rich.
SEO tips

(Pixabay / FirmBee)