Did July fly by or what? Here is what’s going on the the search world.

Bing adds “disavow link” feature
Bing added a really cool feature recently. With all of the hype about Google’s recent Panda and Penguin updates, a lot of people have been reviewing their backlink portfolio. Many are even concerned that competitors can do “negative SEO” against them. This new feature in Bing will allow you to tell Bing to ignore certain backlinks if you feel that they are malicious. While they do not guarantee to exclude the backlink, it is a great step forward towards managing backlink portfolios to ensure they remain clean.

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Google adds status for pages indexed
Google has expanded their Webmaster Tools features to now include a list of how many pages they have indexed for your domain. This can be useful to see how many pages of content that Google is including in their potential search results. This can be accessed by logging into Webmaster Tools > Selecting your domain > Health > Index Status.

While we have found that it is not necessarily entirely accurate. We have seen some clients show X for their number of pages indexed, but when you actually search for the domain in Google itself, it shows more than X results within the specified domain actually indexed. Either way, it is still a useful tool. For most sites it even shows historical data.