Google recently launched another “Panda” update. In their continued efforts to give searchers more relevant results, the latest Panda update was intended to weed out more sites that are less than desirable. Content has always been one of the most important factors in SEO, but it is continuing to become a larger factor. Google wants your site to be an “authority” on your subject matter. Make sure that any new pages or products that you may be adding to your site has unique, relevant text. It may take you a few extra minutes to write your text more efficiently, but it will be worth increased relevancy in Google’s search results.

Google also adjusted one of their algorithm’s variables and how it analyzes backlinks. Backlinks are when another site links to yours. At SEO National, we take pride in manually submitting your backlinks to ensure that they are submitted for approval to relevant sites. We also make sure to diversify where your backlinks are submitted to. Many SEO agencies focus on directories, because they’re easier than other backlink resources. With our advanced tools and resources, we instead focus on more targeted backlinks from other resources. For many clients, directories make up only 25% of their backlink volume. Many of the others come from forums, blogs, press releases and social bookmarking sites. We’re committed to maintinaing your volume consistency and diversification of your backlinks.