April welcomes Natural Poetry Month. If you think about it, SEO is poetry in itself. It is a beautiful balance of presenting words throughout a site, adding well-crafted call-to-action, and inspiring visitors to take action.

generating content

We know that having fresh content is a top priority when it comes to SEO. Any good search engine optimization company will confirm, it can be tricky to create a steady stream of engaging, high-quality, unique content. That’s why we took this as an opportunity to give you ideas to tackle content creation.

1. Source information and ideas from third parties

Repurposing content is nothing new. Compile a list of interesting newsletters, websites, videos, etc. from your industry. The purpose is to help your readers find more information within your territory. Repurpose this list into a “Top 10” for your readers, or keep the list for yourself for future inspiration.

2. Time travel to the past by revisiting hot topics or popular industry figures

Everyone is fascinated with the past. Why not take advantage of it. Do some research about polarizing figures or companies in your industry and write a “Where Are They Now?” piece.

3. Solve a problem

Have you ever searched online forever to find the solution to a problem. Far too often you never find the answer, or you find someone that replies with “I figured it out!” but they didn’t include the solution in their reply. You’re not the only one.

Help people out by writing tutorials or a how-to for your industry. Chances are that you will save someone a lot of time. This may lead to increased site engagement or encourage others to share your name as an authority in your industry since you solved their problem so efficiently.

4. Case studies

Put your customers in the spotlight while highlighting the success that you’ve brought them. Your customers will love the attention, and you’ll increase your credibility. Win/win.

Share their success; be it testimonials in videos or writing. Videos are more engaging and credibly, because the words come from the mouths of those that walked the experience. Other mediums to represent case studies are charts, infographics, and SEO press releases.

5. Other purposes of your Product or Services (Think outside of the box!)

You’ve been advertising your product the way it’s intended to. Why not consider unique ways your product or service could accommodate others? Often, unique applications of a product or service are the ones that go viral. Try to be innovative by sharing some tips on how to use your products in different ways.

6. The power of quotes

Quotes can validate topics and provide credibility. Quote others in your industry and add your own spin on it by elaborating on the topic or quote.

7. See what’s trending

A great way to stay relevant is to jump on the bandwagon. Keep a pulse on what is buzzing in your industry. Set up Google Alerts or monitor Google Trends to know what’s trending right when it’s trending. When you see something of interest you can chime in and write a piece to keep your company relevant.

8. Recap and share news

Your suppliers or manufacturers are a life-line of sorts to your bottom line. Why not write something emphasizing why they’re great. After all, the more credible your suppliers sound, the more credible it makes you, too.

9. Make an announcement

Get your customers or prospects excited about upcoming changes or improvements to your business. Tell them about the great things that you have on the horizon, new services that you’ll be offering, a new product line, etc. Amplifying your company gets others excited.

10. Share your story about something you learned

Companies are more successful when customers can relate to them. An easy way to do this is to put a face to the company.

Write a story about something that you, as the company President, CEO, Manager, etc., has learned and share it with your audience. By being personal, customers can associate themselves more with you, which draws them in closer to your company.

There is always new things to learn from the experiences of others. Be that “other” experience and use this to engage your audience. Your readers can learn something by sharing your story, and they’ll love you for sharing.