Thinking about a new site design, or a new section/feature to your website? Considering migrating to a new CMS (Content Management System)? Let us know and we can provide a site structure audit. We regularly run these on all clients’ existing sites but, we want to be pro-active in helping you maximize your online presence. Every few years you may find yourself considering a new design or website platform. Good for you. We encourage staying on top of your game and ahead of the curve when it comes to competitive advantages. As you develop any new site feature, or a new site all-together, let us know. We can run our advanced auditing software against your pending site update to help you get the most out of your upcoming features and work out any efficient website “wrinkles” before you go live.

The feedback from these audits can help you improve your site load and customer experience, all of which can lower your bounce rate and improve your conversions. Here’s a short list of what our audits can help you identify.

  • HTML validation errors
  • CSS validation errors
  • Broken pages
    • Broken internal links
    • Broken external links
  • Canonical link issues
  • Outdated HTML variables
  • Missed migrated variables
    • Title Tags
    • Meta Descriptions

We’re here for the long haul with you as a loyal client. We will also be happy to run an initial audit for free on any secondary sites and projects that you may have too. Just a simple way that we can say thanks for your continued business. :)