Business competition gets stiffer each day, and it’s important that you stay ahead of the pack.  You will be left behind if you are not watching your competitors’ search rankings, social media activity, blog content, emails, and more.

SEO: What’s the Competition Doing

(Pixabay / jarmoluk)

You can boost your business’ performance if you learn and understand how your competitors are running theirs. Make it a point to:

  • Watch their trending tactics
  • Identify data points to give you the upper hand
  • Be inspired to find new ways to connect with your own customers

You can closely monitor the performance of your competitors using the following:

  • – Open Link Profiler gives you a peak behind the curtain at what backlinks your competitors have earned on which sites and using what anchor text (keywords). With this information you can reach out to the same sites to try and get your fair share of the exposure, too.
  • – While I’m not a big fan of Alexa (the website, not the digital assistant sitting on a shelf at your house), it does have potential to loosely gauge what sites get more traffic than others. The accuracy of that data is up for debate, so that’s why I say “loosely.” Using the data Alexa provides, you may be able to adjust your own strategies and outpace your competitors.
  • SpyFu – This tool enables you to gather data on your competitors’ keywords. Knowing your competitors’ keywords will give you valuable insight into their overall strategy. You can even research alternative keywords to help drive more traffic to your site

These are only a few of the resources at your disposal.  These and others tools can fuel your business and help you stay ahead of challengers in the industry.