Why anyone uses link networks, we couldn’t tell you. Especially after big networks like “Build My Rank” were shut down a fair amount of time ago. You would think that’s enough time for the impact to settle in and scare others away from using them. That does not seem to be the case. It looks like a striving link network, Anglo Rank, was truckin’ along just fine for a while. However, last week, Matt Cutts from Google tweeted an ominous post about them.

link networks

All signs seem to point that another link network has bit the dust. If you’re not familiar with what a link network is, let us explain. Many SEO companies do not have forward thinking fulfillment or the experience to build their own backlinks (links from 3rd party websites to yours). Instead of developing their own link building assets, these other agencies will pay to participate in a network of website that allow you to purchase links on their pages. That’s a big no-no when it comes to Google’s guidelines. We’re happy to say that we’ve never participated in such fulfillment, so no need to worry.