Google Use Email or Instant Messages for Rankings?

There are many factors that are considered when a search engine ranks your website.  In fact, there’s hundreds, possibly thousands of factors.  Many are commonly known or assumed. unique, quality content optimized head structure (title tags and meta) quick page...

Yahoo considering Yelp data for local results

In an effort to increase their quantity of local results, as well as make them more accurate, Yahoo is reportedly teaming up with Yelp. As a leader in information about localized business data, Yelp would have a wealth of data to feed to Yahoo. For those of you that...

Why You Should Avoid Knee-Jerk Reactions to Rankings

Whether you are an SEO company or a client, avoiding knee-jerk reactions to ranking changes is crucial to long-term success.  Especially when it comes to search engines other than Google.  While a random change in rankings on Google is obviously something to pay...