Getting Your Dream Job: The Power of Soft Skills

As a business owner who places a premium on efficiency in the hiring process, I know firsthand the importance of hiring based on a candidate’s soft skills rather than just their technical abilities. Contrary to popular belief, it’s usually not the flashy...

How to show up in Google News for less than $100

Want to show up in Google News, ABC, CBS, and all those news sites that people charge thousands of dollars to get you featured in? Here’s how you can do it yourself for less than $100. Before I show you where to submit your announcement, here’s how to...

Best 2024 WordPress SEO Plugins: 24 Optimization Plugins

WordPress currently has more than 55,000 plugins to choose from, so finding the best WordPress SEO plugins can be overwhelming. Luckily for you, I’ve taken my two decades in SEO and created a “master list” of the best WordPress SEO plugins for you. Best of all, I will...

Can You Trust Someone To Write SEO Blogs For You?

You’ve decided to hire a search engine optimization company to increase your online traffic. You’re happy to let them take over the technical stuff. But what about your blogs? Can they really speak with authority about your industry? Will they get the technical jargon...

One Website is Better than Two

One solid website is better than diluting traffic across multiple domains. SEO client wanted to split their SEO budget across two websites. Told them that was a bad idea. “But, can’t we show up more with more domains?” No. Unless your different sites...

Backlinks: Do You Really Need Them? And If So, How Many?

We all know that Google loves backlinks (when another website includes hyperlinks to yours). Ask a dozen search engine optimization experts what the best way to skyrocket your Google rankings is, and many will probably say “backlinks.” That means backlinks are the...