The advantage of content marketing (blogging) over traditional advertising is that it allows you an opportunity to connect with your readers.  When you write on a topic that solves their pain points you create a unique emotional experience that straight up ads could never reproduce.

Blogging = An Opportunity to Connect with Customers Emotions

(Pixabay / kaboompics)

Content marketing results in a deeper, richer and more satisfying business relationship between the company and customers, as you tell potential customers who you are and what you are about. They’ll be sympathetic to your vulnerabilities and appreciative of your transparency.  You earn the respect and trust of your audience when you share relevant success stories, even before you offer to sell them something. That way, they already feel that you are a respectable source when the time comes to make a purchase.

Another huge advantage of blogging is that it has a longer shelf life than other forms of marketing.  With paid ads, they disappear when you stop paying.  With blogging, each bit of content that you create can support your brand for an indefinite time period.  As your content amasses over time, you’ll notice corresponding increases in traffic, engagement, and sales.

So start blogging.  Content marketing allows you to develop relationships with your audience and potential customers.  It can help position your brand as a leader, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately increase sales.