Most consumers do their back-to-school shopping at least a couple of weeks before the actual start of school. This means that retailers should be ready with their back-to-school marketing campaign several weeks before that.

Back-to-School Marketing Ideas

(Pixabay / ldpodcast)

Retailers can use a number of different marketing ideas to entice back-to-school shoppers to patronize their business. Here are just a few:

Use email — Email marketing generates a good ROI. Use your email to send your subscribers personalized content. Be specific and include products that customers may need based off of their purchase history. There’s a lot of competition out there, so you want to make sure you reach out to your customers in a way that makes it easy for them to choose your company and products again.

Provide checklists — As parents and students rush to get school supplies, they may forget some essential things they should look for. You can help them out by creating a comprehensive printable or mobile-friendly school supplies list. Providing this service can help make shopping hassle-free and relieve some stress associated with shopping for school supplies.

Create videos — Many teenagers use smartphones. Consider launching a mobile-friendly video campaign to guide their shopping. Before making your video, be sure to do some research on what that demographic will find engaging. Your video can also include tutorials on how to use your products.

Offer big deals — While most families shop ahead of time, there are still many that wait until the last minute. Entice this group to buy your products by offering them irresistible deals, like free shipping. Also, make sure to reward your loyal customers with hefty discounts.
When creating a campaign, you can use a combination of marketing options to reach out to customers.

If you make an effort to help your customers as much as possible, there’s a good chance those efforts will be rewarded with higher sales.