Google Penalties

Been hit by Google Penguin or Google Panda? We can help.

Perhaps you’ve received a Google penalty? We can help. When penalized by Google, we’ve seen websites lose 50% or more of their traffic.  Maybe you’re familiar with such significant drops in traffic.  Whether you were hit by Panda, Penguin, or Hummingbird algorithms, more often than not you can recover.

If you’ve been negatively effected by any of Google’s algorithms, you’re not alone.  We’ve helped consult with many businesses on how to correct internet marketing strategies from other SEO companies that caused them to be impacted.

Google Panda

If you’re not familiar with such penalties, see just one example of the horrific traffic drops with your own eyes in the screenshots below.  Notice the dates — loss in traffic is near immediate when Google decides a website’s quality is poor.

Google penalty

Could you sustain such a loss in traffic?

  • What if a 75% loss in traffic meant a 75% loss in business?
  • Could you employ your staff and remain open for business?
  • Could you maintain you and your family’s lifestyle and support system?

Cutting corners on SEO isn’t worth it.  Do it right or don’t do it at all.

Recover from a Google penalty

Whether it is Panda, Penguin, or Hummingbird we help people that have been directly impacted by Google penalties.

Remember the image earlier that showed a 75%+ loss?  We had the pleasure of correcting that company’s old SEO.  Look at the restored traffic from proper SEO and improved rankings.

Google penalty recovery



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